Cronulla Public School

Over 100 Years of Excellence in Education

Telephone(02) 9523 5098

Our values

Student Welfare and Discipline Procedures.

All students at Cronulla Public School are supported in a caring and welcoming environment. School programs and practices reflect our shared beliefs and values. Students are provided with high quality education so that they may learn to the best of their ability and become self-disciplined, respectful and contributing members of the school and community.

Cronulla Public School (CPS) is an inclusive environment which affirms diversity and respects differences. CPS practices are consistent with relevant legislation (The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and The Disability Standards for Education 2005) and Department of Education procedures. During the implementation of procedures, no student will be discriminated against, harassed or victimised on any grounds as stated by the legislation.

Code of Conduct.

The school rules form the school’s Code of Conduct for all students.

Parents and students acknowledge the rules and sign the Code of Conduct at the beginning of each year.


In alignment with the core rules of NSW government schools all students are expected to:

  • Respect other students, their teachers and school staff and community members
  • Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers
  • Strive for the highest standards in learning
  • Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members
  • Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
  • Comply with the school’s uniform policy or dress code
  • Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
  • Respect all property
  • Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our schools
  • Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our schools

Anti-Bullying Procedures.

Bullying is defined by the NSW Department of Education as follows:

“Bullying has three main features – it involves a misuse of power in a relationship, is ongoing and repeated, and involves behaviours that can cause harm. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying can have a lasting impact on everyone involved, including those who witness it.”

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.

The school has a separate Anti-Bullying Procedures document.

Cronulla Public School has zero tolerance for verbal, physical and emotional abuse.

School Rules.

Cronulla Public School promotes optimum learning through our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework.

For precise information in relation to Cronulla Public School PBL Framework, please see specific documents and PBL matrix.

Dealing with General Playground Incidents.

An incident will be documented as either:

Minor or Major

Minor Incidents

Include but not limited to:

  • Inappropriate verbal language
  • Physical contact – non serious but inappropriate
  • Defiance/disrespect/non-compliance
  • Disruption (talking when teacher is speaking, loud voices and noises indoors)
  • Property misuse
  • Dress code violation
  • Late to class
  • Partial truancy
  • Cheating/plagiarism

Include but not limited to:

  • Abusive Language
  • Defiance/disrespect/non-compliance
  • Insolence
  • Disruption (sustained behaviours including yelling and screaming)
  • Physical aggression
  • Theft
  • Harassment
  • Bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Property damage
  • Absconding
  • Delinquent or criminal actions

  • Student goes to timeout seat to think about their actions
  • Time out for counselling to be given immediately following a reported incident in the playground behaviour book
  • Following a Minor Incident students will be counselled and redirected
  • Following a Major incident parents are to be contacted by letter and/or phone by Assistant Principal
  • Following 3 Major incidents students will be referred to the Wellbeing team for a Behaviour Intervention Plan and counselling sessions

Dealing with Serious Playground Incidents.

Incidents involving physical violence including, hitting, pushing, kicking and/or biting, to be immediately reported to the Assistant Principal.

  • An interview with the student will take place and an incident report will be completed.
  • Parents will be contacted by letter and/or phone by Assistant Principal. Students will be referred to the Wellbeing team for a Behaviour Intervention Plan and counselling sessions.

Incidents involving Students with Disabilities.

Major incidents involving students with a disability will be dealt with by an Assistant Principal in conjunction with the classroom teacher to determine the most appropriate course of action.

Playground Behaviour Rewards.

  • To be eligible students must be displaying behaviour that emphasises the school ethos of Safety, Respect and Learning. Students will have the opportunity at the end of each term to be involved in a celebration of our school learning environment. Students may partake in such as activities as a lunchtime disco, staff verses student games, special morning tea, extended play periods and access to special sporting equipment.
  • Serious inappropriate behaviour may result in a student missing celebrations or other special activities.
  • A SUPER SURFER award will be given to those students displaying appropriate behaviour. Students can be awarded a Super Surfer whenever they are on the playground, in lines at assembly or when walking to class. To be eligible for a Super Surfer students must be displaying behaviour that emphasises the school ethos of Safety, Respect and Learning.
  • All Super Surfers will be placed in an award box. Awards will be drawn at the morning assembly for prizes provided by CPS and P&C (Parents and Citizens Association).

Behaviour Documentation For The Playground And The Classroom.

  • Playground incidents recorded immediately in the playground behaviour book, known as “The Red Book”.
  • Weekly records of minor and major playground and classroom incidents recorded on Sentral and disseminated at the Stage Meeting
  • If student is removed from playground due to their behaviour Assistant Principal is to be notified
  • Student to complete an incident report which will be kept on file by Assistant Principal
  • Parents are be contacted if behaviour is deemed inappropriate and serious enough for further intervention. Parents will be notified by phone and a note will be sent home outlining student’s behaviour and further consequences

Strategies to Promote Good Discipline and Effective Learning.

  • Curriculum: is relevant and reflects the needs and aspirations of the community, is relevant to students and is based on Departmental and Board of Studies syllabus documents.
  • Classroom management techniques: are consistent and fair, respect the individuality of children and provide for clearly defined expectations of work and behaviour.
  • Classroom rewards and praise include: verbal, non-verbal, stickers, recognition by peers and other teachers for positive classroom behaviour and effort.
  • Learning Support Team/ Wellbeing Team: comprising of Assistant Principal, stage representatives and counsellor. The aim is to provide ongoing support to teachers, parents and students for curriculum and behaviour issues.
  • Playground: all students are supervised and are rewarded using the award system for positive playground behaviours. Inappropriate behaviour will be addressed by the supervising teacher.
  • Student Leadership Program: the Student Representative Council (SRC) assists to ensure students are involved in the decision making process K to 6. Year 6 Captains and Prefects act as role models in the running of the school.

Formal Cautions and School Suspensions.

  • Incidents for serious violence and misbehaviour – after consultation with the Principal and parents of the student involved a formal caution will be issued. Further serious inappropriate behaviour may result in suspension. The Principal will determine the type of suspension dependent upon the type of behaviour.


All class and sport awards will count towards a Student of the Week award.
These awards are handed out at weekly assembly.

  • K-6 3 Awards aligned to PBL Framework. Teachers are to give 1 safety, 1 respect, 1 learning award at school assembly.
  • Number of weekly awards distributed will be commensurate with class size.
  • Classes with 20 or less students will be awarded 2 awards per week
  • Classes with more than 20 students will receive 3 awards weekly.
  • 3 Awards (This can include any of the following safety, respect, learning) = 1 Student Of The Week Award
  • 3 Student Of The Week Awards = 1 Principal Award
  • 3 Principal Awards = Merit trophy presented at Presentation Night

Note: Separate class certificates do not count towards a Student of the Week e.g. Super Surfer Awards, Art Awards.

Practices to Recognise and Reinforce Student Achievement.

  • Weekly assemblies: 2 / 3 awards emphasising our core values of Safety, Respect and Learning are acknowledged.
  • Super Surfer Awards: Students displaying sensible behaviour in all settings are rewarded with a Super Surfer Ticket which goes into a weekly draw for prizes provided by CPS and P&C.
  • Term Celebration: At the end of each term students will participate in an end of term celebration session.
  • Terms 1 and 3 Principal Commendations
  • Annual Presentation Assembly: Awards given for outstanding citizenship, consistency, academic excellence, improvement, sport, etc.

Further information.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) – Creating safe, effective teaching and learning environments -